9 Days Omo Valley Tour to Ethiopian Cultural Tribes


Day 1: Morning Drive to Arba Minch via Hosaena 
⇒ enroute visit Tiya stelae field UNESCO world heritage site and
⇒ Adadi Mariam, the only southerly rock hewn church
⇒ You will meet the Gurage and Oromo people and their villages. Hotel/ Lodge

Day 2: Full day in Arba Minch 
⇒ Boat crossing for a Nech Sar National Park to explore the endemic wild animals.
⇒ Boat trip on Lake Chamo, birding and spotting hippos and crocodiles. Hotel/ Lodge

Day 3:  Drive to Jinka 
⇒ Meet Tsemay, Bana and Ari people and their villages’
⇒If today is a market day attend local market Key Afer, the most colorful market day in the Omo Valley region, Market attracts different tribes like, Tsemay, Bana, Ari, Basheda etc. 

Hotel/ Resort 

Day 4: Excursion to Mago national park 
⇒ Meet the Mursi Tribes and visit their villages , their women are famous for Lip plates and men for ritual fighting with stick donga(But attending such event restricted by government regulations).
⇒ Drive back to Jinka and continue to Turmi via Dimeka.
⇒ On the waymeet and visit Ari and Bana People and their villages. Lodge/ tent

Day 5: Drive to Kangaten to visit the Nyangatom after crossing the Omo river with engine boat. On Return stop at Murulle for picnic lunch then proceed to Korcho to Visit the Karo tribes who live in the western bank of the Omo River. Afterwards drive back to Turmi.  Camping/ Lodge

Day 6: Full day village visit in Turmi

Excursion trip to Omorate for the Dasenech tribe and visit their villages.

Boating on the Omo River

Attend Turmi market (if the day falls on market day Thursday)

Hamer tribe and visit their villages

Attend Tribal dance or Bull Jumping rite (occasional and optional).  Htel/Lodge

Day 7: Drive back to Konso and make a detour to Yabello, the home of the Borena Oromo tribes who are best known for Gada System,
⇒ Visiting on the way Erbore and Konso tribes. Some 25km before today’s destination you will visit Singing Well, age old technique of watering cattle by the Borena tribe. Motel

Day 8: From now on it’s a return drive to Addis Ababa with a night stop at the beautiful eco lodge, Aregash Lodge. Located in serene environment in the center of the Sidama village, the spot is the best place for cultural interactive light hiking through the villages and the farmlands. Resort/ hotel

Day 9: Morning departure for Addis Ababa with a stop at Awassa Lake to visit the local Fish Market, tasting a fresh tilapia hunted and grilled.
⇒ Proceed to Addis Ababa on the way short stops for rift valley lakes. Departure

………………….End of the cultural Omo valley Tour……………….

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